Ex Forte Ardietti  

Werk IV  in Peschiera  Seite 3

Ulrich Mößlang Optik Heydenreich der  Tauchbrillenspezialist  und  zertifizierter Sport-Optiker  
Fernkampfwerke, Bunker, Infanteriestützpunkte, Stellungen und Festungen der Österreicher und Ex Forte der Italiener aus dem ersten Weltkrieg in den Alpen, Dolomiten, Verona, Venezien und Friaul.  Denkmäler in München, Bayern und dem Rest der Welt.

Photo 14: The rear of the caponier. It seems that the walls linking the caponier
with the potern have been demolished.

Photo 15: The entrance of the left caponier, which still has its wooden doors.

Photo 16: The crenelled wall on the escarp. They were used to defend the ditch
of the fort.

 The central caponier. The fort had no counterscarp wall.

Another view on the central caponier

The view from the central caponier to the reduit.

Photo 20: The road to the central caponier was paved with gravel and cement.

Every caponier was equipped with two guns, firing in opposite
directions. They were installed in one large firing room.

 Central caponier: the rifle gallery that had to defend the front of
the caponier. This was needed to cover the dead angle in front of the caponier.

 The crenelled wall next to the right caponier. It is still in a
perfect condition.

 An overview of the right caponier.

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